Healthcare events: How can suppliers find their voice?
Written by Rebecca PaddickDespite evidence of NHS cost savings and improved patient outcomes, the challenge for digital innovators remains the same as for other healthcare innovators. How can they show true value to the healthcare system in a way that convinces both clinicians and procurement? The need for consistent improvement and innovation continues to present NHS organisations with complex and often competing challenges, both locally and at system level. Events like the Healthcare Partnership Network (HPN), which took place at Oulton Hall in Leeds last week, aim to provide senior organisational leaders with a safe space to share experiences and emerging opportunities from across the sector. Chaired by Emma Challans – Deputy COO of Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the second HPN of the year boasted a wide range of experienced and skilled speakers presenting key industry topics. We heard from Stephen Dunn CBE, Chief Executive at The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, David Walliker, CIO at Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust, and Nick Chambers, Associate Director of Transformation, Medway NHS Foundation Trust, to name just a few. At Mantis, we help technology providers tell stories using clever content circulated through the right channels, to reach the right people. We get technology vendors known by the individuals, departments and organisations across the public sector. So, as well as hearing from the Chefs Execs, the COOs and the CIOs, of some of the top NHS Trusts across the country, I was interested to find out what the event sponsors had to say, how they presented their solutions, and I was keen to gauge the reaction of their presentations from the C-Suite level attendees. UiPath presented an extremely topical discussion entitled: Robots, AI… Will we still need doctors? The presentation asked, what if doctors, in conjunction with AI and automation technologies, could address the shortages and skills gaps we face today and for future generations? It looked at how AI and automation is being used in healthcare for medical research, predictive outcomes, business modelling and connecting siloed systems. It was a talk which certainly held the room, most likely because the subject of AI is appearing in our news on a daily basis of late, as it becomes more and more prevalent across the global healthcare sector. Another sponsor, Circular Wave introduced its Electronic Medical Bank System – a platform which enables healthcare organisations to create and organise its own staff bank, reducing the dependency on external agencies. County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust shared their experience of the platform since signing up 18 months ago. The headline sponsor presentation was from IMMJ Systems and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Linda Watts shared the paperless journey to date of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, with particular focus on the EDM implementation with IMMJ Systems and MediViewer. Key insights were covered into the importance of EDM on a paper-light journey, key issues the Trust wanted to address with an EDM deployment and what made IMMJ Systems and MediViewer stand out. ‘Boutique-style’ events such as this enable solutions providers to directly engage with C-Suite level attendees. For us at Mantis, it’s a great way to see the latest products on the market, and how they are received by the top-level delegates. We are now at a stage where implementing the latest digital developments is not only advantageous, but essential for organisation growth and stability. IT can fundamentally improve society whereby all citizens benefit from the very best healthcare. But in a saturated market, suppliers must ensure their voice is heard above the noise.