COVID: where to list your #Edtech offer
Written by Eleanor WillockIt’s very possible that UK schools will return to the traditional school setting in a few weeks from now, but it could just as easily be the Autumn or even next year. How will schools around the country continue to provide top-class education with so much uncertainty?
Nearly half a million non-UK students studied at UK universities in the UK during 2017-18. How will that service continue going forwards? Will universities lose revenue or make greater use of Virtual Learning Environments?
If your business has technology that can help to overcome the challenges our education system is facing, there are a few places where you need to register your details today:
- EdTech Impact lists over 1200 apps, websites and other technologies that teachers, school leaders and local government can review. Right now, the EdTech Impact team has added new filters to enable buyers to filter the list to show free offers available from suppliers during the pandemic. If you have a product that can help schools or education generally, it absolutely needs to be listed here.
- The British Education Suppliers Association [BESA] has always carried a directory of offers from its members, broken down into helpful categories such as school admin systems, curriculum content, and general edtech tools. Right now, it has also helped to launch LendED, which is backed by the Department for Education. It wraps-up the different technologies available to help teachers specifically during Covid. Find out more here.
- The Department for Education has created a web page where suppliers can list technology available to help the education sector, alongside the LendEd tool above. It’s not as exhaustive as the lists from EdTech Impact and BESA, but it’s a place to be seen nonetheless. More here.