AutonoMe chooses Mantis for localgov PR campaign
Written by Eleanor WillockAutonoMe, the creators of an app and support programme for vulnerable people in social care settings, will be working with Mantis on a co-ordinated comms campaign. The programme will increase engagement across earned and shared media, targeting care commissioners and providers within local government networks.
This is going to be a particularly interesting challenge for the Mantis team, as AutonoMe isn’t a pure-play tech business, instead combining digital solutions with one on one support for end-users. We’ll be talking about AutonoMe to a broad range of audiences, from vulnerable users themselves to care commissioners in executive roles in local government.
This is a disruptive model for social care, putting an app in as part of a designed care package for a vulnerable young person or adult, and empowering them to monitor their own progress towards independence. It changes the delivery of care, the probability of better outcomes for the user and provides the care commissioner in local government with digital data that can be used to model and plan future service improvements.
The company was founded by William Britton, an assistive technology and video production specialist and former FE teacher with a focus on vulnerable students. I’ll be working with Will and his team directly, creating content for thought leadership, social media outreach, and building the customer advocate strategy.
AutonoMe becomes Mantis’ fourth Bristol-based client and our third win in the city this financial year. Over half of Mantis’ PR campaigns for clients focus on comms for local government technology, a public sector vertical which is already responding strongly to the need for consistent communication post the initial Covid-19 disruption.
Find AutonoMe on LinkedIn here to stay in touch.