We love working with technology providers that change the world for the better and improve the day-to-day lives of millions of people. And, it doesn’t come much better than this new medtech client. Named one of TIME Magazine’s top 100 Best Invention
In our latest podcast our own Rebecca Paddick talks to Miranda Evans, Head of Research at Tussell and Georgina Maratheftis, Head of Local Public Services at techUK, to discuss how local authorities have been coping with coronavirus.
QRoutes makes software that helps local councils plan transport routes for funded school journeys. The QRoutes team have now become the sixth client, that, for pandemic reasons, we have only ever worked with virtually.
Bristol startup AutonoMe chooses Mantis for Local Authority focused PR campaign
BookingLive, a leading booking and scheduling solutions provider for the public and private sectors, selects govtech PR and communications agency Mantis and technology performance growth agency HdE to implement a new marketing and communications plan
If you’re wondering what our client CoSector – University of London thinks of us, this quote says it all